Sub-committees and Reference Groups

Are you ready to use your knowledge and skills to shape the early childhood sector in South Australia?

As a member, you can participate in a range of strategic committees and reference groups that discuss topics aligned to our strategic plan, as well as current issues facing our sector.


Here’s how you can get involved.

Reference Groups

  • HR Reference Group

    This group will meet as needed to consult on and provide feedback to DfE on the current Workforce Strategy and to raise issues and solutions to HR matters. Reference group members may consult with all PDA members across the state or with small focus groups.

  • Preschool Reform Initiatives

    This group will lead consultation with members and engage with DfE and OECD on implementation of Preschool Reform initiatives, including 3-year-old preschool, kindy care and workforce strategies as they relate to government preschools. Reference group members may consult with all PDA members across the state or with small focus groups.

  • Awards sub-committee

    Leads the identification and creation of internal and external awards and acknowledgments for the government preschool sector. At least one member of the Awards sub-committee will participate in selection panels for all awards supported by PDA.

  • Teaching and Learning Reference Group

    This group will consult with PDA members across the state and engage with the DfE Curriculum team and the Quality Preschool Team on matters related to preschool curriculum, pedagogy and improvement practices. This may include reviewing documents and providing feedback to DfE via PDA, designing and planning professional development for members on curriculum, pedagogical and improvement cycle matters and trialling draft curriculum resources.

  • ICT, Finance & Facilities Reference Group

    This group will consult with PDA members across the state and engage with DfE ICT, Facilities and Finance teams on matters relevant to government preschools. This may include reviewing policies, advocating for changes in support for preschools and identifying priorities in ICT, Finance and Facilities for all government preschools.

  • Support and Inclusion Reference Group

    This group will consult with PDA members across the state and engage with the DfE Support and Inclusion division on matters relevant to the inclusion of children in mainstream and specialist preschool programs. This may include reviewing current practices in preschools, contributing to policy development and participating in DfE led consultation processes.

Register Interest

 Learn more about PDASA